Objectives / Obiective

The model of SRFIT creation was the Romanian Society of Analitycal Philosophy / Modelul in infiintarea SRFIT l-au cobnstituit reglementarile Societatii Romane de Filosofie Analitica.


SRFIT has the following objectives / SRFIT are urmatoarele obiective:

  • to organize international and nationa scientific events in philosophy, engineering and technoethics (congresses, conferences, workshops etc.) / organizarea de manifestari stiintifice naţionale si internationale de filosofie, inginerie si tehnoetica (congrese, conferinte, workshop-uri s.a.)
  • to publish a journal of philosophy, engineering and technoethics / editarea de reviste proprii de filosofie, inginerie si  tehnoetica;
  • to support the publishing of books in philosophy, engineering and technoethics / sprijinirea editarii de carti din domeniul filosofiei, ingineriei si  tehnoeticii;
  • to organize, for the philosophy, engineering and technoetics research teams focused on various themes, symposiums, seminars with the participations of the academic staff member, researchers, students, from Romania and/or foreign countries / organizarea, in domeniul filosofiei, ingineriei si tehnoeticii, a unor colective de cercetare pe profile tematice, simpozioane, seminarii ştiinţifice cu participarea unor cadre didactice, cercetatori şi studenţi, din România si din strainatate;
  • to collaborate with professiona associations from other countries and with internationa associations with activity in philosophy, engineering and technoetics / colaborarea cu asociatii profesionale din alte tari si cu asociatiile internationale cu activitate in filosofie, inginerie si  tehnoetica;
  • to obtain, from ther similar asociation, news about the events in philosophy, engineering and technoetics and to publish a newsletter / obţinerea, de la organizaţii internaţionale similare, de informaţii privind activitatile din filosofie, inginerie si tehnoetica şi va difuzarea unui buletin informativ;
  • to support the participation of the members to international and/or national scientific events in philosophy, engineerin and technoetics / sprijinirea deplasarii membrilor sai la manifestari ştiinţifice nationale sau internaţionale de filosofie, inginerie si  tehnoetica;
  • to award the best pulished or realized works in philosophy, engineering and technoetics /acordarea de premii pentru cele mai bune lucrari publicate sau realizate in domeniul filosofiei, ingineriei si  tehnoeticii;
  • to support the translations into and from Romanian, focussed on philosophy, engineering and technoetics /sprijinirea traducerilor din domeniile filosofiei, ingineriei si  tehnoeticii;
  • to organize, payed activities (courses, continuing education, loisir, tematic camps, tematic voyages a.o.) in order to support the members of SRFIT or other people to improve their working skils and knowledge in the fields related to philosophy, egineering s and technoetics, or to pass good holidays, to have thematic professional stages, to voyage together etc./ organizarea, contra cost, de cursuri, activitati de perfectionare, activitati recreative, tabere tematice, excursii tematice s.a., pentru a-i sprijini pe membrii Asociatiei sau alte persoane interesate, spre a se perfectiona profesional in domenii legate de filosofie, inginerie si  tehnoetica, pentru a se recrea, a petrece stagii tematice impreuna, pentru a face calatorii tematice s.a